Seeing as how this will be my final blog on this website, I suppose I should end it on a high note. Perhaps this posting shouldn’t take the low road and go on some random attack against some seemingly innocent politician. But what about politicians that choose to lower themselves to levels that even they are above? Perhaps it isn’t that a politician should not lower themselves to certain levels, but rather the office they hold should not be lowered to certain levels.
Anybody who pays any attention to the news will most likely have seen that President Obama has been touring Europe and the Middle East over the past week or so. Over the course of his trip, our President has apologized on behalf of all Americans to Europe for our behavior and sentiments we have held towards the European people and he has bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. Two gestures unbecoming for the office he holds.
First of all, I do not need him apologizing for me. He was denouncing the behavior of Americans towards the Europeans and frankly, I believe my attitudes are perfectly justified. As the President, Obama should not be overseas denouncing the people he represents. It would have been one thing for him to be in this country, addressing the American people, and telling the American people directly that they should not act in certain ways towards other nations. However, rather than taking this approach, he decided to be two faced and deliver a different message when he is around a different crowd. Certainly, he never would have done something like this during the campaign.
Secondly, I honestly don’t care what the White House is officially saying; our President clearly bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia. This is an inexcusable act by the President of the United States. There is no reason our President should be treating any world leader as though they are an authority figure. This is not proper protocol and if Obama thought it was, he would not have the White House making the excuse that he was simply reaching down to shake a man’s hand. I can’t even recall how many times I’ve had to do a full waste bend in order to shake the hand of a full grown man. Perhaps instead of trashing United States citizens while abroad, Obama should have been taking lessons on how the President of the US should interact with other world leaders.
But as I said earlier, seeing as how this is my final blog on this website, I will refrain from criticizing any political leaders. I have appreciated anybody who has read this blog and I have especially appreciated those who have left responses. Perhaps I haven’t agreed with some of them, but that is the great thing about this country, we can each express our opinions (at least for now, we’ll see after the next four years) without fear of any consequences.
President Donald J Trump (Again)
1 day ago